Thursday, March 3, 2011


There is an unwritten rule that says that women seek out men that are emotional. They want to be with men that are able to show their emotions. Now why is it, that when you do find that person the emotional side of him can become to overwhelming. I guess men and women are made to be different. Women are supposed to have all the emotion and men think logical. It seems like in this day and age things are getting jumbled up and these roles are reversed. Is this a good thing? My recent experience says that people have unrealistic expectations. I got what I was looking for all my life and gave it away because I couldnt handle it. Am I scared of my own emotions? Or am I not able to seize the momen and be happy? Steve Harvey explains all the fundementals in one of his books. Its so wierd how people can analise a certain sex because they think they know. I am a women so I am supposed to know kind of bullshit. That does not work. Human beings act differently because we were given a mind, with thoughts and we process these thoughts in different ways. So I guess what I'm saying is that we as a gender have unrealistic expectations. Till Later......

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